Kings of Ash is busily corrupting Amazon as we speak. You can buy the ebook right here:
If for some insane, dare I say offensive reason you have yet to start the series, I’m doing a Reddit give-away for 5 ebook and 5 audiobooks of Kings of Paradise here: Reddit.
To those who’ve offered encouraging words, or thinly veiled threats, to keep me going, I salute you. I hope you’re as excited as I am to continue the story. The final book in the series (Kings of Heaven) is next, and my plan is 2020. No doubt I’ll hassle you long before that with updates, and maybe a little side-story or two.
Happy reading…
Mr Nell,
Sir please paperback!!!
I need the new book smell.
I’ve tried reading the ebook whilst smelling another book and felt creepy. I am also contacting yankee candel to see if new book could be a new cadet sent? I’d settle for dusty old book smell in candel form especially from Yanky. I think they could pull this off tastefully.
The simplest , not creepy, no candels way would please print it slap a cover on it a deliver!
Paperback. If you want to go hardcover to follow the ebook then that’s cool. Make so dough to pay for the printing. I get my sign hard cover King’s of Ash mail to my hands. Win Win! Way Win!!
What say you sir.
Paper please!!!!
Please let me know when printing.
Tom Bohan
Bad ass mother fucker and beautiful man.
Lol, great commentary & pleading!!!
Will Kings is Ash be released in paperback?
Yes in the next few weeks I hope. Sorry for the wait, life has been a little interesting, but it’s coming!
I’m looking forward to Book 3. I’ve read the first two books in less than a week. Great work!
WOW!!!! I just finished Kings of Paradise and all I can say is WOW!! I have been Shang Hi’d I am now in possession of Kings of Ash and I think I’m calling in sick today to climb in. WOW…..WOW…..WOW!!
I love Kings of Paradise! It is a fresh wind on my bookshelfs with already many other fantasy books. It is an eye-opening novel and one of the best I have read in recent years. Now I wait eagerly for Kings of Ash to be published in paperback form!
Any plans for audiobook version of 2nd book?
Plans, yes – however nothing concrete yet. I intend to do it with the same narrator, but as the little indie I am the barrier is financial (actors insist on being paid). So! Recommend the first audiobook to all your friends. And thanks for the note and support.
Any update on the audiobook version for Kings of Ash?
Hi Greg – unfortunately not yet. I’m still hoping to do this, but thus far the project awaits an injection of cash. I’d love to get this done in 2021, though. Sorry for the bad news.